मैं समुंदर हूँ
अपने भीतर भरे घढ़े
में भावनाए रूपी मोती
सहेजती हूँ , सँवारती हूँ
पालती हूँ, मथती हूँ
कुछ तो उपर झलकने लगते है
कुछ सतह पर ही
उलझते रहते है
घढा हमेशा भरा रहता है
जीवन आगे बढ़ता जाता है!
I am a free thinker who loves to let the mind fly like a bird and explore vibes within and around. During such flights, I like finding answers to the questions hidden in the valleys and corners of my universe. All throughout, the thoughts flow from the mind to the hands and then down to the paper and they start dancing.
Expression of feelings by portraying a pot is an absolute example of poet's excellence.Bravo.......
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