"A bi-lingual platform to express free ideas, thoughts and opinions generated from an alert and thoughtful mind."

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Commercial Age

The world has become really commercial. I believe, we are too busy in publicity than to enjoy the real life. No body has the time to see what is going on in present world and how the emerging problems can be corrected. Change is persistant and we all want it too but there is no one to take the real initiative. Without taking proper initiative nothing will imporve, our way of living cannot be changed. So, If you want some change, stand up and bring some change..........

A Question???

Life is a puzzling delight. It offers a new face everytime. So, take it easy as you may come across something which you have never expected before. Enjoy your life to the fullest..........

Do you agree with it? Yes or No. Lets hear your story? Post your experiences and comments on this topic...............