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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cervical Cancer: The Disease, Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Prevention

What is cervical cancer?
When certain body cells stop functioning properly and divide very fast in order to produce a tumor, the situation is called cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the cancer of the cervix, the lower narrow part of the uterus which is a hallow organ where a baby grows during a pregnancy. The cervix has a canal that opens into the vagina that leads to the outside of the body.

Symptoms of cervical Cancer:
Initially, cervical cancer has no symptoms. However, when the cancer starts attacking nearby tissues or become invasive, a woman feels abnormal vaginal bleeding. Bleeding after menopause, bleeding that starts and stops between periods, heavy menstrual bleeding that lasts longer, bleeding that occurs after intercourse or a pelvic exam are the possible symptoms of abnormal bleeding.

Risk factors for outbreak of cervical cancer:
The National Cancer Institute published some strong risk factors associated with cervical cancer. The prime risk factor for developing cervical cancer in women is infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is generally believed that women must get contracted by this virus before developing a cervical cancer. HPV is a group of viruses that may cause warts or papillomas of course non-cancerous tumors. However certain types of viruses may cause cervical cancer.

Other possible causes:

Multiple sex partners:
A woman indulges into active sex at the early age and has a history of unprotective sex with multiple partners may develop cancer of the cervix.

Excess tobacco use:
Women who smoke may develop symptoms of the cervical cancer than non-smoking women.

Women who have been given the drug Diethylstilbestrol (DES) during preventing miscarriage or pregnancy are potential candidates for the cancer of the cervix.

Prevention of cervical cancer:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have approved some vaccines that can effectively treat the cancer of the cervix in women. However, not every can be treated completely for all types of cervical cancer. Hence, it is recommended to go for regular screenings of cervical cancer. It is important to stay away from any kind of active sexual activity that includes genital contact.

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naresh said...

nice blog.

sudhaa said...

Very informative and nicely explained article. I really appreciate your efforts of creating such awareness. Good job done, keep writing great blogs!!

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