"A bi-lingual platform to express free ideas, thoughts and opinions generated from an alert and thoughtful mind."

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

हिस्सों के किस्से!

दीवारों के कान होते है
खिड़कियों की तान भी होती है
वर्ना हलकी सी सरसराहट
शब्दों के बेल बने मेरे गले को कैसे फ़ासती

अब बोलो
तुम्हारा हिस्सा कौन सा है
और मेरा?

Thursday, December 30, 2021

How to Hire the Best Branding Agencies?


Brand building is the central goal of all digital strategies as companies spend huge money to get a face that people admire and relate to. Companies hire expansive creative agencies and teams of internet-based innovators to craft new-age branding to encompass the digital universe. Viral, stickiness, memes, buzz, and form factors are the new-age lingua franca of branding. But such efforts have little to payoff. 

The sprawling power of social media allows businesses to leapfrog traditional media and hearth relationships directly with customers. There is a strong need to build hubs in the community of consumers by forming alliances through stories in real-time. Credible branding agencies create brand stories as they break through in culture. They offer a set of techniques designed to cultural significance. They combine disparate elements into a complete branding that delights the company and its target audiences. These agencies employ skilled marketers and professionals at their disposal, including designers, copywriters, developers, and strategists, etc., to specifically create your own brand story. 

Reasons to Engage the Best Branding and Design Agencies?

Most people believe that branding is all about designing or getting new logos, captions, or taglines for brands, but it is just a minute part of the whole branding campaign, potentially through and creative planning. 

Following are the prominent factors that help you choose the best branding agencies:


An experienced and popular agency helps strategize your brand value as it helps develop an effective story for your business story. Partnering with the company enables you to rediscover the brand's essence and infuse it with the brand’s mission and messages. A professional company helps you research your competitor and accordingly plan out your brand’s unique strategies to attract more and more consumers. It is easier to decide on the perfect marketing channels (social media, email, etc.) to get the best ROI through a company.


Once the strategy puts in place, a professional company can help you align with the brand's elements to move on to the top of the competitors. They allow you to envision accurate, catchy phrases, logos, taglines, and packaging designs. A professional agency helps you create a compelling brand story that showcases your prospects to keep your customers happy. They allow you to make a distinct and easily recognizable brand voice that matches the core activities of the brand while catering to the interests of consumers in mind.

Measurement and Analysis 

A good creative agency based in Mumbai can help you measure and analyze your brand performance in real-time while reporting on the actual performance of the brands. They allow you to understand your brand value well and help grow its worth as well. An agency helps report and monitor web traffic analytics, conversion rates, online and offline customer engagement, brand visibility, and much more.  

The Final Verdict

Choosing the best branding and designing companies can get you closer to your entrepreneurial dreams without spending too much on marketing campaigns. Proper planning in your branding helps present the best convincing face to consumers.



Thursday, August 20, 2020

विनाश की महामारी

 विनाश की महामारी

निगलती जाए दुनिया सारी! 

बेदम व्यवस्था

लाचार अवस्था

जज्जर संस्था

तड़पती, घुटती अपनी व्यथा! 

विनाश की महामारी

निगलती जाए दुनिया सारी! 

प्रकृति की उपेक्षा

अधूरी रही शिक्षा

जीवन की भिक्षा

कठिन है परीक्षा! 

विनाश की महामारी

निगलती जाए दुनिया सारी! 

जग जाओ की जीवन शेष हैं

उठ जाओ की बदला परिवेश हैं

भूल जाओ की संशय अब लेश हैं

मुस्कुराओ की आसमाँ में भी छेद हैं! 

विनाश की महामारी

निर्दय अत्याचारी

आ चल करले आज

दो दो हाथ की तैयारी! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

दोबारा से . . .

 सोच सोच के ना भी सोचू

ऐसा कोई दिन नहीं 

साथ छोड़ के मौन बैठें 

क्या तुम वही और मैं भी वही?

चमकती लेखनी की नयी धार

मनचले शब्दों का भरपूर प्रहार

भावनाओं की बहती ब्यार

सच…सुहाने ही तो थे वो पल चार !

समय के भॅवर में रोते हसते 

बूँद बूँद पर जीते मरते 

हमने क्यों मुँह फेर लिया 

जाने किसने किससे बैर लिया !

सोच सोच के ना भी सोचू

ऐसा कोई दिन नहीं 

कुछ कहने का कुछ सुनने का 

मौका यहीं है अभी सही !

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Moon, My Lover

I want a moon for my lover

Distant and deep

With light shining bright

Uplifting my spirit many leap

I want a moon for my lover

Big and full of him

With impressive attitude and catchy zeal

Widening my mindful whim

I want a moon for my lover

Silent and observant

His questioning eyes fixed on me

Glaring my thoughts and rant

I want a moon for my lover

Curious and calm

Challenging my world and me

Igniting my instincts into new realm

I want a moon for my lover

Bold and loud

Speaks without voice

And, I wonder why I shout?

I want a moon as my lover

Come to me

And taking me to the place

That only meant for me!!!

Monday, August 15, 2016


I - Independent as we became
N - a Nation rises and grows strong
D - Diversified  & Democratic as we choose to stand
I - with Immense proud and valor act
A - and Attitude that defines righteous action aloud

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Massive Uttarakhand Floods